Where can I find the databases?


Our A-Z Databases page provides access to all of our subscription Library databases so you can find the best resources for your research.  You can select from the Subject drop-down list to see all the recommended databases for that subject area. You can also use the Database Type drop-down list to limit the list to show just full-text databases, eBooks, articles etc.  Your Academic Librarian and Skills Tutor will also recommend specific databases for your subject - the details can be found on your Library subject guide.

Library databases are a searchable online resource and using these for your research will help you find reliable information from trusted sources.  The databases may be dedicated to a single subject, cover several subjects, or allow you to search all content from a publisher from one website.

Databases allow you to find a variety of information, including:

  • Full text articles from eJournals and other publications
  • Abstracts
  • Citation information
  • Newspaper articles
  • eBooks
  • Images


Need more help?  Don't worry!  The Library and Academic Skills team can support you with all aspects of your academic work.  Search our subject guides for recommended resources and research tips.  For further support book an appointment with your Academic Librarian and Skills Tutor.

  • Last Updated 17 Jan, 2022
  • Views 154
  • Answered By Academic Skills team

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