I would like to make an appointment to view the Special Collections


Special Collections house rare books, archive materials and extensive photographic collections.

These resources are kept securely in an area located close to Library Creative, and are viewable by appointment only with a member of library staff.

If you would like to make an appointment to visit Special Collections please contact academicskills@staffs.ac.uk to confirm a suitable time and arrange access.

Tutors wishing to book in sessions for their students can also contact their subject Subject Librarian to make arrangements for access.

For more information about the resources available, including the Victoria Theatre Collection and the Arnold Bennett Collection, please refer to our dedicated web pages.


Need more help?  Don't worry!  The Library and Academic Skills team can support you with all aspects of your academic work.  Search our subject guides for recommended resources and research tips.  For further support book an appointment with your Academic Librarian and Skills Tutor.

  • Last Updated 16 Feb, 2022
  • Views 52
  • Answered By Academic Skills team

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