I can’t log in and there is an error message. How can I get access?
If you are experiencing any problems accessing our e-resources, please check our current issues guide for known access problems and work arounds. Here you will find our handy self-check guide, giving you steps to follow that will usually help you solve the problem yourself.
If you are still unable able to access the resource after following these instructions, please send an email to: studentconnect@staffs.ac.uk giving the following information:
The name of the resource you are trying to access
A screen shot of any error messages you receive
Confirmation you have followed the above instructions (tried an alternative resource, re-set password, closed/re-opened browser, cleared cookies/cache, tried a different browser, contacted your local IT department)
Your username
Your preferred email address
Remember, the more information you send us, the quicker we can resolve the problem
We will then investigate and resolve the issue for you.
Need more help? Don't worry! The Library and Academic Skills team can support you with all aspects of your academic work. Search our subject guides for recommended resources and research tips. For further support book an appointment with your Academic Librarian and Skills Tutor.